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Free Your Mind
I enable new parents to release their fears and stress so they can become conscious parents.
I help pregnant women release their fears so they can have a joyful and peaceful birth.
I help individuals to reprogram their negative thinking so they can enjoy fulfilling lives and relationships.
I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist who has been practicing psychotherapy for a decade and I can say that I have more passion and excitement now with the field of Psychology than I had on my first day as a qualified psychotherapist and this is thanks to PSYCH-K®.
I deeply enjoy working with individuals to help them reprogram their subconscious mind and get rid of their negative thinking, anxiety and stress for them to enjoy their lives and relationships. I tend to mainly focus my work as a PSYCH-K® facilitator to help pregnant women to release their fears and traumas regarding giving birth so they can have their best birth. Additionally, I also help new and expecting parents to reprogram their subconscious beliefs about parenting so they can become conscious parents.
The reason why I tried PSYCH-K was because I started to experience postpartum anxiety as a result of family conflicts with my family of origin. I had recently heard about PSYCH-K and I decided to book a session to address my anxiety. To my surprise, I was able to resolve and get rid of my postpartum anxiety within just one session. It was after that session that I decided to do all the training necessary to become a PSYCH-K facilitator and be able to finally provide my clients with such a powerful and efficient transformational modality. Since psychology continues to be a passion for me, I now use therapy as a complement to PSYCH-K for clients to process the changes that will start to take place in their lives after their PSYCH-K sessions.
Choose your session
90 min Initial PSYCH-K® Session
60 min PSYCH-K® session
45 min PSYCH-K® session
Birthing in Bliss
20 PSYCH-K® Sessions of 60 min throughout your pregnancy
This package is designed to help pregnant women release their fears and negative programing related to giving birth. We live in a culture that portrays giving birth as a painful, dangerous and traumatic experience. This perception has hunted woman for decades and it has robbed many mothers from having a blissful and ecstatic birth. Once you release fear and regain your power you will be amazed to experience your potential and all the divinity within you. Get ready to fully trust your body and connect with your inner wisdom. Your body was designed to give birth! Now it's your turn to align your conscious goal with your subconscious belief so you can experience your best birth!
If you prefer a personalized package contact me!
Conscious Parenting
12 PSYCH-K® Sessions of 90 min
This package is designed to help expecting and new parents release their dysfunctional programming and transgenerational trauma around parenting and everything related to raising children. There is so much trauma in our families of origin that it is no surprise we see so many young children with diagnoses such as ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), Learning Disabilities, Anxiety, Attachment Disorders and more. In this session, you will rewrite your old unhealthy programming/beliefs so you can become a conscious parent and raise healthy and happy children. We owe it to our children and to the generations to come to be our best version and embody our highest self.