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What to expect from this session

In this package you will receive 12 PSYCH-K® Sessions of 90 minutes each. You will determine the frequency of our meetings. Many people chose to meet once a week and others feel more convenient to meet every 2 weeks. You will be always encouraged to notice what changes and what does not before and after each session. Waiting a few days or more before a next session can help determine what has developed and what still needs attention.


 During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to release dysfunctional and limiting beliefs and mental programs regarding parenting. Most of us have inherited negative beliefs and traditions from our parents and past generations. After all, each parent can only do their best with the information they have at each given time of their lives. As Dr. Bruce Lipton said in his book The Biology of Belief , children up until age 6 are operating at certain brain frequencies  that allows them to download an incredible amount of information they need to thrive in their environment. Young children carefully observe their environment and download the worldly wisdom offered by parents directly into their subconscious memory. As a result, their parent's behaviors and beliefs become their own. This is where transgenerational traumas and family dysfunctional dynamics comes into play. We have been passing down to our younger generations all the pain, suffering, limiting beliefs, and faulty expectations as if they were the ultimate truth. In this package, you will release and rewrite all those limiting and dysfunctional programs that were passed down to you by your family of origin so you can break the cycle and pass down to your children healthy programs that comes from your highest self and that are in your child's best interest. During your PSYCH-K® sessions you will experience an expanded state relative to previously internalized subconscious limiting beliefs and programs. We are not responsible for what was done to us as children but, we are responsible to heal from it and to break the ongoing cycle. I am very excited and delighted to guide you and accompany you in your journey in becoming a conscious parent. 

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