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What to expect from this Package

This package is designed for you to receive 20 PSYCH-K® sessions of 60 minutes throughout your pregnancy. You will determine the frequency of our meetings. Many people chose to meet once a week and others feel more convenient to meet every 2 weeks. You will be always encouraged to notice what changes and what does not before and after each session. Waiting a few days or more before a next session can help determine what has developed and what still needs attention.


When it comes to pregnancy and giving birth, it has become the norm to see it as an emergency waiting to happen instead as for what it is; a powerful and sacred rite of passage.

During our PSYCH-K® sessions you will reprogram your negative beliefs and mental programs that can interfere with your birthing experience. You will also use a protocol called Transformation of Stress into Peace and Non-Attachment (TPS) where you will literally transform the perception of anything that is particularly stressful to you with regards to birthing (e.g., hospitals, needles, blood test, the perception of a contraction, negative or stressful experiences with doctors, past traumatic/negative birthing experiences, etc). This protocol  is highly powerful; it produces an immediate and profound relief in 99% of cases.  Imagine thinking of your most scary scenario or past trauma and no longer feeling the overwhelming stress or anxiety it would have normally triggered in you. Imagine that you can perceive the same scary scenario or memory from a whole-brain state which means you are now going to be able to approach it from a state of peace and non-attachment. This is the result of  reaching Whole-Brain State and you can read more about it in the FAQ's section that will be coming soon to my website. 

Even if you did not personally go through a birthing trauma,  having heard of someone else traumatic birth experience or having watched one of the many movies where birth is portrayed as a terrorizing event is enough for you to have stored in your subconscious mind a negative perception and memory about what birth feels and looks life.

With this package you will also get to reprogram and process anything that comes up along the way during your pregnancy's journey. For instance, if you happen to have an upsetting doctor's visit or if you start to become anxious or stressed with your family or friends during pregnancy and in preparation for birth. Anything that starts to cause stress, anxiety, discomfort, sadness or any other negative reality for you, you can take immediate action and change it in a PSYCH-K® session. You can read in the Birthing section about how I resolved my postpartum anxiety in just one session of PSYCH-K® (this section will be coming soon to my website) . In a nutshell, with this package you will have all the emotional and mental clarity needed to enter this new beautiful stage of your life with joy, ease and confidence. I can't wait to accompany you during this rite of passage and help you release all fears and stress for you to have your best birth! 

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